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secrets left unspoken is a collection of my random thoughts i had left unsaid. it’s where i can write all my feelings and emotions but never even speaks about it. this serves as my escape from this world where no one to talk to and no one to hold on to. this is the place where i can be ME as ME without hesitations. this is a peek in to the world as i see it.
WARNING: you may sometimes read death notes here.
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// 28 Aug 2018
you guys cheat on us but you don’t want us to cheat on you. why is that so? because you know cheating is wrong! you cheat for sex, just to fuck. but when women cheats, we cheat for love and affection. we cheat with a guy that can potentially replace you. you guys cheat the most but woman cheats the best. you dish it out but you can’t take it back. you act like it’s the end of the world when you get cheated on. we women are not afraid to love, commit and be loyal. but the problem sometimes is with you men.