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secrets left unspoken is a collection of my random thoughts i had left unsaid. it’s where i can write all my feelings and emotions but never even speaks about it. this serves as my escape from this world where no one to talk to and no one to hold on to. this is the place where i can be ME as ME without hesitations. this is a peek in to the world as i see it.
WARNING: you may sometimes read death notes here.
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depression is real // 23 Oct 2017

depression is not someone asking for attention.
depression is hearing your favorite song and not singing along.
depression is staring at a wall for hours uninterrupted, wondering why you feel the way you do.
depression is rarely sleeping but always feeling exhausted.
depression is feeling all your emotions slowly slipping away.
depression is doing whatever it takes to feel something, trying anything to not feel so numb.
depression is not having the energy to even talk to the people you love. or do anything, actually.
depression is finding that, suddenly, you don’t care about the things you were once so passionate about.
depression is wishing that you could at least love yourself. but you can’t. not the way you want to.
but despite all of this, people with depression tend to make jokes more.
people with depression try to make others smile.
we even smile and laugh more than non depressed people.
people with depression are not attention seekers.
people with depression are not “faking it”.
depression is serious. depression kills. and it’s time to accept it. it’s time to do something. we should not be looked down upon anymore. mental illness isn’t the punchline to your joke. and the sooner that this all becomes common knowledge, the better.

source: https://www.facebook.com/depressionfeelss/