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secrets left unspoken is a collection of my random thoughts i had left unsaid. it’s where i can write all my feelings and emotions but never even speaks about it. this serves as my escape from this world where no one to talk to and no one to hold on to. this is the place where i can be ME as ME without hesitations. this is a peek in to the world as i see it.
WARNING: you may sometimes read death notes here.
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// 21 Dec 2016
how to be single?! i've been fighting my every day battle alone. been sleeping in bed at night without receiving any sweet messages from someone special. i've been living without no one to cuddle with. and believe it or not? it's fine. these are just simple things. i mean, these things are just small things when you get used to it. and having someone to be with is not really necessary! but having someone you know you deserve is. being single made me realize of many things in life. it made me a better person, maybe a tough one? but i still know when and how to be soft at times. i may be single but i know i will still learn things on my own. making my inner self grow. preparing myself for someone i know, i very much deserves.

besides, being in a relationship is not a race.