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secrets left unspoken is a collection of my random thoughts i had left unsaid. it’s where i can write all my feelings and emotions but never even speaks about it. this serves as my escape from this world where no one to talk to and no one to hold on to. this is the place where i can be ME as ME without hesitations. this is a peek in to the world as i see it.
WARNING: you may sometimes read death notes here.
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im sorry ❥ ❥ ❥ // 28 Jul 2016
oh yes finally you’re married. saw your prenuptial and wedding day pictures. in our eight years of together, we too had planned our wedding, often with great clarity. yet you were ready, i never was. i always needed more time and because you loved me, you indulged me.

but now, it was been 4 years after we broke up, i want you to know that i still have every little thing you gave me on our journey together like letters, cozy stuffed and even a picture of us together. alongside these, i have the burden of the memories of the things i done to you.

i’m glad that you have managed to reclaim or reshape these with someone else or that you have managed to erase me from your past, although i have no doubt you will be trying to. again, i’m sorry. i know now that all of these are nonsense but i want to say i’m sorry.

i hope you have found the love of your life that makes you feel deep peace and joy in who you are, both together and apart. you both are so happy together and that makes me happier too.