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secrets left unspoken is a collection of my random thoughts i had left unsaid. it’s where i can write all my feelings and emotions but never even speaks about it. this serves as my escape from this world where no one to talk to and no one to hold on to. this is the place where i can be ME as ME without hesitations. this is a peek in to the world as i see it.
WARNING: you may sometimes read death notes here.
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pretty advice // 22 Jan 2016
is it really hard for you to see why he dumped you?! is seeing someone much better than you isn't possible?!

you've always think that youre the apple of his eyes and you're his sugar pie and that makes you proud to think only for your ownself, well, better put your feet back on the ground girl! 'coz you're not now... not anymore. ffter all, he deserves someone that makes him happy, someone who understands his ups and downs, someone whom he can talk to like four hours in a coffee shop, (he likes talking much...LOL!) and to make the story short let's just say someone who has something that you do not.

my pretty advice?! accept for your lost, he was not meant to be so you should only concentrate on the future and not dwell on the past, he's gone now and there's nothing you can do to bring him back. i have his heart and he has mine. you'll find someone else who appreciates you for you. stop acting like you've lost everything, but you did...